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Mining and Historical Technology

The collection of historical mining technology includes artifacts that document the development of mining technology and the activities involved in resource extraction from prehistoric times to the present. From the Stone Age, the collection features several stone tools likely used for mining activities. Medieval mining techniques are represented by hammers combined with chisels and picks, wooden scaffolds, drainage troughs, wooden pipes, ladders, and lighting techniques such as torches, stoneware, and metal lanterns. The mining collection further includes items from the 15th to the 19th century, such as lanterns, grinding stones for ore, the earliest tools for blasting work, equipment and components of mining machines (e.g., parts of pumping devices), rare decorated brass measuring instruments (pantometers), as well as later theodolites and leveling instruments.

There is a significant collection of models of mining equipment created based on historical drawings published in the works of mining researchers such as Georgius Agricola, Lazarus Ercker, and others (e.g., winches, various types of pumps, ventilation and mining machines, ore mills, measuring devices, and models of landscapes showcasing mining works). A significant part of the collection consists of mining technology from the 19th and early 20th centuries, represented by various types of miners' safety lamps, tools (hammers, axes, scrapers, drills), accessories for miner's gear (aprons, helmets, clothing), and items related to mining ethnography.

The collection of mining rescue technology represents the development of the discipline from the first devices enabling the rescue of miners' lives (respirators, masks) from the second half of the 19th century to the present day. A large part of the rescue fund has been on long-term loan to the exhibition at the Mining Museum in Ostrava – Petřkovice. In 1995, a significant collection of items related not only to the history of mining in Eastern Bohemia was transferred from the East Bohemian Coal Mines to the mining collections of the National Technical Museum (NTM). Its completeness serves as evidence of the development of the mining industry across the entire territory of the republic from the mid-19th century to the present.

A very extensive collection of mining machines and equipment forms a faithful replica of a coal and ore mine from the early 1950s at a scale of 1:1 in the underground of the National Technical Museum. It documents unique series of mining and tunneling machines in their original form and presents long-gone mining methods.