The collection developed essentially since the museum's founding in 1908 focuses on technical aids in the household. It contains various kitchen gadgets and a range of household appliances (refrigerators, washing machines, irons, stoves, electric kettles, kitchen robots, mixers, and various hygiene devices). The collection includes a total of 2,000 active inventory numbers.
A specific subset of the collection is known as the Náprstek Collection, which was transferred to NTM in 1943 from the former Czech Industrial Museum. The collection was originally founded and developed by the Czech progressive Vojta Náprstek (1826-1894) between 1860 and 1890. After his forced departure to the United States following 1848, he became fascinated with many interesting technical innovations and household items designed to make housewives' work easier. He began purchasing these items with the intention of presenting them back home in Prague. Náprstek did not undertake these purchases alone; he was significantly assisted by Czech expatriate associations in America. After returning home, V. Náprstek continued to expand his collection of innovative items. To this end, he traveled to major commercial cities in Europe (London, Vienna, Hamburg, Paris) to constantly update his collection of technical aids. The acquired collection was divided into relevant specialized collections. The subset received into the collection of Home Technology comprises 750 active inventory numbers.